Stay Fit over the Summer holidays - top tips!
It’s been a tricky wee while as we’ve lived with Covid-19 and numerous lockdowns. Among many things, one of the things that has gone by...

Sarcopenia or Muscle atrophy
There are so many reasons why fitness and exercising as you grow older, (or mature), is such an important thing to do. This is a ‘broad...

The Great Outdoors
Whilst we’ve enjoyed Easter, our thoughts now turn to looking forward to easing out of the Lockdown we’ve been in for a while. We may be...

8 Tips to Keep your Nutrition on Track Over Christmas
You've worked so hard, you've been going to Kettles, HIIT, Core, Bootcamp and even tried running!! How do you stop yourself from undoing...

Is it important to Stretch?
We hope that you’ve enjoyed the recent stretch series of video clips on our Instagram IGTV ‘channel’! Flexibility is one of the five...

Why Is Fitness Important As We Get Older?
There are so many reasons why fitness and exercising as you grow older, (or mature), is such an important thing to do. This is a ‘broad bru

The importance of rest
Keeping a track of our activity and food consumed are all important pieces of data that help us live healthier, more active lives. Often...

Exercise in the Summer holidays with the kids
The summer holidays are well and truly in full swing and for next couple of weeks, it’s not possible for you to come to my classes…....

Meet The Instructor - My Story
Sport and generally keeping fit has always been something I’ve enjoyed, as a child raised by a Royal Marine and living in Cornwall,...

Do It Now!
Never take time for granted-life can change in the blink of an eye as we all know and we all know of others (maybe even ourselves) who...