Stay Fit over the Summer holidays - top tips!
It’s been a tricky wee while as we’ve lived with Covid-19 and numerous lockdowns. Among many things, one of the things that has gone by...

The Great Outdoors
Whilst we’ve enjoyed Easter, our thoughts now turn to looking forward to easing out of the Lockdown we’ve been in for a while. We may be...

Why are unilateral exercises so effective?
Those of you doing my Kettlercise and HIIT classes at the start of this year may have noticed that we were doing more single leg or arm...

The importance of rest
Keeping a track of our activity and food consumed are all important pieces of data that help us live healthier, more active lives. Often...

HIIT, HVIT, Metabolic Conditioning or VIIT: Which IT are you doing and do you know the differences?
Lets start with some definitions. Metabolic Conditioning Workout: perform as many reps as possible of each exercise for 60 seconds...

Which is better – single Kettlebell or double Kettlebell drills?
This question was posed just the other day – asked without realising that it’s a catch all question with not a straight forward answer...

10 Reasons Why You Need A Personal Trainer
There are many reasons why people hire a personal trainer, but I’ve rounded up the most helpful and common ones to help you know more...

5 Benefits Of Kettlercise Workout
Kettlercise is a class which helps tone your body and lose weight with a series of movements using Kettlebells. It has many health...

5 Benefits of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
High Intensity Training, more commonly known as HIIT, is a fast paced workout which helps burn fat – quickly. But what are the other...

What Is PureStretch And Why Is It Different From Yoga?
I’m often asked what exactly is PureStretch – well let me explain. PureStretch was originally created by Ciaran Organ – with over 15...