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10 Reasons Why You Need A Personal Trainer

Why You Need A Personal Trainer

There are many reasons why people hire a personal trainer, but I’ve rounded up the most helpful and common ones to help you know more about who a personal trainer is, what they do, and how they can help you. So, why would you want to hire a personal trainer?

You simply don’t know where to start. Whether you’re new to exercise, you’re overwhelmed by the schedule, or you want to exercise for a specific reason, your personal trainer will help you with setting up a programme and introducing you to fitness in a friendly and comfortable manner. Personal trainers know all there is to know about fitness and can guide you to achieve ultimate results.

You’ve been training, but can’t see results. A personal trainer will help review your exercise programme, push you harder (because let’s face it, do you really push yourself to the limit?), help set goals, help you stay motivated, and teach you exercise moves which you can do at home to help the progress.

You want more of a challenge. If you’ve been exercising on your own or at the gym and want to take it to the next level, your personal fitness trainer will help you challenge your body to the limit, learn new moves, and help you find ways of keeping motivated.

You’re bored in the gym. Having a personal trainer is also like having a workout buddy who you catch up with, have fun, and compete with. Your trainer will keep you motivated, bring new ideas to your exercise routine, teach you how to use different equipment, and teach you new ways of exercising.

You have an injury or a health condition. When you’re not sure how to exercise for your condition, it can be daunting and frightening to start. But a personal trainer can help you discover ways of keeping fit and active that won’t have any negative health impacts of put your body under strain. Talk to your personal trainer about their experience in working with your injury or condition before you start – you may also want to consult your doctor so you can give your personal trainer as much information as possible.

You’re training for a marathon or a sporting event. You’ll have help with training schedule, workouts, building stamina and body strength, and someone to motivate and push you.

You want to learn how to exercise on your own. Having a personal trainer for a short period of time can help you learn all about your body and what workouts are the best for you, how to use gym equipment, answer your questions, and be a great contact to have for any fitness needs.

You need motivation. Hands up who makes up excuses all the time about why they haven’t kept up with their fitness routine? This is perfect for those of us who lack discipline and prefer to cosy things in life like snuggling up in front of the TV with a cup of tea, rather than sweating out a pizza at the gym. Many brides-to-be also rely on a personal trainer before their big day!

You want a workout buddy. Because lets face it, some of us want social interaction during exercise to keep motivated, chat/gossip with, and have friendly competition with. Having a personal trainer can also feel like having a therapist for those crazy times in our lives!

You want to work out in your own time, in your own house. Some people really don’t like going to the gym, or following set class time schedules so here is when a personal trainer can really help you workout at your convenience, in the privacy of your own home. They will also teach you the best workout routines to easily remember and do at home!

If you want to talk about personal training sessions, contact me today!


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